As much as everyone loves the holidays, there is always stress that comes with the planning. A few years ago I attended a seminar on getting organized taught by Marie Ricks. It was practical, easy to do, and made sense! Marie is the guru of getting everything in order and in that way you can eliminate the stress! Check out her site House of Order.
She offers ideas and solutions for almost every situation. You can get up and ready for Thanksgiving and Christmas in no time. Marie has tried her suggestions and has great tips and how to's on her site. She has written several books that are well worth considering as they will change the way you look at your home, the way you cook, and the way you organize drawers, closets, kitchen,etc...you name it she has thought of it! You've heard the old adage, "Time is money"...she can show you how to save time and how to save money through sound shopping tips that she has discovered over the years.
Marie does a great job of sharing her professional tried and true advice. Stress less as we all enter the holiday season and enjoy your family more this Thanksgiving and Christmas!
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